NATTA - Network for Alternative
Technology and Technology Assessment
Renew is the
30 page bimonthly newsletter of NATTA, the Open University based Network for Alternative
Technology and Technology Assessment. Renew is sent free to all NATTA
Members. NATTA membership costs 18GBP pa if you are waged, 12 GBP
pa if you are unwaged, and 50 GBP to libraries/organisations, plus
a 3 GBP pa airmail supplement. Cheques should be made out to NATTA
and sent to NATTA c/o EERU, Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA,
United Kingdom.
Renew looks at
current technical and policy developments in the renewable energy field.
In addition there
is an introductory NATTA Guide to Renewable Energy in the UK designed for newcomers,
exploring the UK's basic renewable energy options, the state of play
of renewable energy development, and some of the key strategic issues.
also provide overviews of the options in both the urban and rural context:
Urban Renewables | Rural
NATTA/Renew Subscription
is the bi-monthly 30 plus page newsletter of NATTA, the Network
for Alternative Technology and Technology Assessment. NATTA
members gets Renew free. NATTA membership cost £18 pa
(waged) £12pa (unwaged), £6 pa airmail supplement
(Please make cheques payable to 'The Open University', NOT to
from NATTA , c/o EERU,
The Open University,
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
Tel: 01908 65 4638 (24 hrs)
E-mail: S.J.Dougan@open.ac.uk