Renew On Line (UK) 50

Extracts from NATTA's journal
, issue 150 July-Aug 2004

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1.  Mind the  Funding Gap

2.  1 GW of Wind - RSPB fears

3.  Marine Renewables

4. Still no to Tidal Barrage/Lagoon

5. Biofuels Push

6. 2000 solar  roofs

7. Transmission Debate

8. Mine Methane shafted

9. Lords on Climate Change

10. RO price rises

11. New Renewable projects around the UK

12. Wind power costs

13. Scotland invests  to save energy

14. SEPN charts progress …but SDC wants

15 Renewables around the World

16. EU new : wind at 30GW

17. Nuclear News: Bush bans reprocessing

16. EU wind up by 23% to nearly 30GW


The European Wind Energy Association has reported that EU wind power capacity increased by 23% last year to 28,401megawatt (MW). Germany (2,645 MW more) and Spain (1,377 MW more) continue to dominate the market. Austria (276 MW more) appears among the top three European markets for the first time, followed by Denmark (243 MW).  The 28,401MW installed in the EU-15 by the end of 2003 will, in an average wind year, produce 60 TWh of electricity equal to approximately 2.4% of total EU electricity consumption. The installed wind power capacity would provide the equivalent electricity needs of 14 million average European households, or 35 million citizens. 

However the EWEA was concerned about the rate of growth in the future. “Wind energy continues to expand in Europe, but at the moment it is only a three-Member State story. We face maturing markets in the three leading countries Germany, Spain and Denmark which account for 84% of the total wind power capacity installed in EU-15 by the end of 2003. These figures highlight a weakness in the market that needs to be corrected,”  said Corin Millais, EWEA CEO. 

 He added “The future of European wind power is reliant on opening markets in other European countries on a scale similar to the three leading countries in the coming years. There are positive trends in countries such as Austria, the Netherlands and Italy. But we still have to see the positive political messages of countries such as the UK and France materialise into more actual projects. The overall status of the wind power sector is healthy; nevertheless, the 2003 installation rates are not high enough.” 

The EWEA claims that the EU Renewables Directive target of meeting 22% of Europe’s electricity needs with renewable energy by 2010 will not be reached without a significant contribution from wind power. Wind power could meet 50% of the target, but only with political commitment beyond the three established European markets. “If wind power falters, then the EU Directive also falters. Most European countries have the possibility to substantially increase their renewable energy production with wind power if existing barriers such as grid access and administrative barriers are lifted”, said Millais. The 5,381 MW installed in 2003 is 9% lower than in 2002 (5.898 MW). “The decline is mostly due to the decline in Germany, which has been predicted. The future direction of the European market depends on how fast other markets can replicate their build rate, and the speed of offshore developments”, said Millais.


Bonn Bash

The major global conference on Renewables in Bonn in June led to some powerful rhetoric- and a call from the EU Parliament for a 20% by 2020 EU renewable energy target, plus talk of 50% globally by 2050 and even 90% by 2100! We’ll report on it, and WCRE’s World Renewable Energy Forum which preceded it, in Renew 151.

All in all it was evidently quite a bash !

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The full 32 (plus) page journal can be obtained on subscription
The extracts here only represent about 25% of it.

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