Renew On Line (UK) 39

Extracts from the Sept-Oct 2002 edition of Renew
These extracts only represent about 25% of it

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Stories in this issue
1. £2.3m more for Wave Energy
2. MoD blocks over half of UK’s Wind Farms
3. Waste Hierarchy Defended
4. Scottish Wind Boom
5. 30% from Welsh Renewables by 2010 ?
6. Green Party ‘£200m for Solar’
7. White paper on Energy
8. Carbon Fraud ?
9. Energy efficiency at all costs ?
10. CHP backed..... but UK Emissions grow
11. Chief Scientist pushes the nuclear option
12.Weather report 2080: it will be wet and hot
13. WREC 2002
14. Wind booms around the world
15. Global Emissions grow
16. Earth Summit inputs
17. The new Nuclear Debate
18.Forum: Public Wave power

10. CHP backed...

The Government has at last provided more support for Combined Heat and Power in the form of exemption from the Climate Change Levy, which is worth £15m per year, increasing to £25m. In addition to exemption for Good Quality CHP from the Climate Change Levy, the new DEFRA strategy includes wider eligibility for Enhanced Capital Allowances, the £50m Community Energy programme, and a reduction in VAT for grant funded domestic CHP. The Government target is to have least 10,000 MWe Good Quality CHP capacity by 2010.

... but UK Emissions grow

Meanwhile, UK carbon dioxide emissions have increased by 1.5% in the last two years, despite an overall 6% fall since 1990, according to latest government "Energy Trends" report. This was a result of increased use of coal and colder weather. Energy minister Brian Wilson said the news was a warning "for anyone who might have grown complacent" about environmental obligations.

PRASEG does the Biz

With speeches from United Utilities, BP, RES/McAlpines, the Parliamentary Renewable and Sustainable Energy Group Conference in June showed just how far down the road renewables have come in terms of getting getting support from industry. It also showed how some of the planning and institutional problems are gradually getting addressed. But it’s still so slow.. and as Ian Mays from RES reminded us, we are going the need at least 400 MW p.a. of new wind plant to meet the 10% by 2010 target.

NATTA/Renew Subscription Details

Renew is the bi-monthly 30 plus page newsletter of NATTA, the Network for Alternative Technology and Technology Assessment. NATTA members gets Renew free. NATTA membership cost £18 pa (waged) £12pa (unwaged), £6 pa airmail supplement (Please make cheques payable to 'The Open University', NOT to 'NATTA')

Details from NATTA , c/o EERU,
The Open University,
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
Tel: 01908 65 4638 (24 hrs)

The full 32 (plus) page journal can be obtained on subscription
The extracts here only represent about 25% of it.

This material can be freely used as long as it is not for commercial purposes and full credit is given to its source.

The views expressed should not be taken to necessarily reflect the views of all NATTA members, EERU or the Open University.