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Extracts from NATTA's journal
Renew, Issue 162 July-Aug 2006
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1. Energy Review EAC Review, FoE Scenarios

2. BWEA on offshore wind wind ups and downs

3. Wave & Tidal Power in Scotland and Wales

4. Reactions to the Budget...and the Climate Review

5. Greening London.. but not Devon

6. Energy Statistics RO grows

7. Coal to come back cleaner? Clean coal

8. Building Battles Building regs and codes

9. Policy moves. Tory greening, UKERC query

10. Stern Climate Views doom ahead?

11. Fuel Cells R&D slow progress

12. EU News Wind and biofuels grow

13. US News Wind battles, Bushes plan

14. World News Divisive Climate Pact?

15. Nuclear News US reprocessing

5. Greening London

Powering London into the 21st century, a new report from PB Power, for Greenpeace and the Mayor of London, claims that decentralising London’s energy would be more efficient in cutting the city’s CO2 emissions, and the demand for imported gas, as opposed to pursuing a centralised nuclear power focused national energy policy. Greenpeace says, the report provides ‘a practical blueprint for shifting London’s energy away from dependence on centralised production, which wastes two thirds of energy generated, towards a more independent, decentralised approach to energy production which gets more value for taxpayers’ money’ and ‘lays out a vision for London that builds on approaches already successfully adopted in Denmark, where decentralised energy provides over 50% of energy supplies and the Netherlands where it supplies over 40% Closer to home, Woking Council has cut its own CO2 emissions by 77.4% between 1991 and 2004 a result of decentralising its energy supplies’.
Mayor Ken Livingstone said: ‘As this new study shows, we stand a far better chance of achieving Government targets on carbon reductions by investing in decentralised energy. Nuclear power is neither the cheapest, the safest, or the most reliable way to reduce greenhouse gases. We don’t have time to make mistakes in tackling climate change. The nuclear lobby is working overtime. Rather than spending taxpayers’ money on the failed technology of the past, I hope the Government will invest in the most efficient, proven solutions to combat global warming: greater energy efficiency, decentralised energy and renewable energy.’
The report examines four different paths London could take to supply its future energy needs. It found that if a high decentral energy scenario is adopted, London could reduce CO2 emissions from buildings by almost 32%; cut its primary energy demand by up to 35% compared to a scenario involving centralised, new nuclear plants; reduce its gas consumption by up to 15% compared to a nuclear scenario; and enable London to generate 64% of its own electricity and 43% of its own heat in London.
See: More in Renew 163.

But not Devon…
Torridge District Council in Devon has rejected Peninsular Powers plans for a £43m 23 MW biomass plant on the former World War II Winkleigh airfield. Local objectors said it was would be too big and would involve excessive transport. The SW Regional Development Agency, which had spent £589,000 on the project, said the decision was a setback to the development of biomass in the region.

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Renew is the bi-monthly 30 plus page newsletter of NATTA, the Network for Alternative Technology and Technology Assessment. NATTA members gets Renew free. NATTA membership cost £18 pa (waged) £12pa (unwaged), £6 pa airmail supplement (Please make cheques payable to 'The Open University', NOT to 'NATTA')

Details from NATTA , c/o EERU,
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Tel: 01908 65 4638 (24 hrs)

The full 32 (plus) page journal can be obtained on subscription
The extracts here only represent about 25% of it.

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The views expressed should not be taken to necessarily reflect the views of all NATTA members, EERU or the Open University.

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