Broadly, the work of EERU is concerned with:
. the human energy system;
. the biosphere seen as a solar-powered system; and
. the interaction between these systems.
The Unit's current Aims are:
. to advance and disseminate knowledge of energy systems and their interactions with the biosphere, with particular emphasis on those systems which enable the energy needs of society to be met sustainably;
. to promote interdisciplinary research in fields related to energy and the environment.
EERU's current Objectives are:
. to study the ways in which energy is used in society, and the potential reductions in energy demand and environmental impact that can be achieved, without loss of amenity, by improved energy efficiency, monitoring, control and planning measures;
. to study the physical, technological, economic, social and environmental aspects of energy supply systems, and in particular the renewable energy sources;
. to design, develop and assess specific devices and systems for improved energy efficiency and renewable energy supply;
. to study the interactions between energy use, human society and the biosphere, through the development of energy models;
. to assess Government policy on energy and environmental issues at local, national and international levels;
. to develop educational material where appropriate on the
above topics.
Page Last Updated: 20 October, 2009
Energy and Environment Research Unit
Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology (MCT)
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
Email: c.l.emburey @
Fax: +44 (0) 1908 654052
Tel: +44(0) 1908 653335