3. UK still low on EU
League Table
The European Parliament has now formally accepted
the new Renewables Directive (see Renew 134), which sets voluntary
targets (see chart) for each EU country. Note these figures exclude large
hydro, which reduces the difference between the figures for the UK and
for countries like Austria and Sweden, which obtain much of their electricity
from hydro. Some of the national targets have also been slightly reduced
from the draft version (see Renew 128), but the overall goal is still
to obtain 12.5% of the EU"s electricity from renewables by 2010.
EU Directive 2010 Targets
Electricity from Renewables
(%) (exluding large hydro) |
Denmark |
29.0 |
Finland |
21.7 |
Portugal |
21.5 |
Austria |
21.1 |
Spain |
17.5 |
Sweden |
15.7 |
Greece |
14.5 |
Italy |
14.9 |
Netherlands |
12.0 |
Ireland |
11.7 |
Germany |
10.3 |
UK |
9.3 |
France |
8.9 |
Belgium |
5.8 |
Luxembourg |
5.7 |
EU 15 |
12.5 % |
But even with the changes, the UK still remains near
the bottom of the league, with only Belgium and Luxembourg having lower
targets, although they are now joined by France. After a long battle between
free marketeers and those keen on REFIT type subsidy systems, variations
in national financial support systems will be allowed to continue for
at least four years, but then the EC will aim for harmonisation
in order to reduce barriers between national markets.
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